LASIK: Expectations vs Reality

No one really appreciates the value of an eye unless you lose your sight or something dreadful happens to it. The eyes are indeed the window that forays into this big wide world. Hence, you must take care of your eyes at all times and never ignore the smallest discomfort.  

With advanced medical sciences and technological advancements especially in the field of Ophthalmology, eye disorders and defects can be corrected without any major side effects. One such medical boon in Ophthalmology is laser eye surgery that involves the correction of the defected eye using laser vision. Nowadays, surgery is available in many parts of the world making it easily accessible. Thus, you can decide whether to undergo the surgery while on a business trip in the US or get a LASIK procedure while holidaying in Thailand. 

Laser surgery is mainly a solution to correct three main eye defects including: 

  1. Myopia – A case of near or short-sightedness where distant objects appear blurred
  2. Hyperopia – A case of farsightedness where focusing nearby objects poses a problem
  3. Mixed Astigmatism – A common case of mixed or blurred vision where everything appears unclear while with some it’s been near-sighted while others are farsighted

Public research reveals that at around 20 percent of the total child population experiences at least one of the above-mentioned eye disorders while at least 30 percent of the total world’s population experiences one or the other form of astigmatism.

Some of the Pros of the procedure include: 

  • Enhanced vision – Most people experience better vision immediately after the surgery, in a matter of 18 to 24 hours.
  • Better facial appeal – Although sunglasses look cool and colored contact lenses are trendy, no one wants to wear glasses all the time, as it pulls down the facial appeal. 

On the other hand, the procedure also poses a few risks. This includes: 

  • Some people complain of having issues at night, especially when they are exposed to high and sensitive lightings. Hence, care must be taken not to expose the eyes to sensitive or bright light immediately after surgery. 
  • Eyes tend to dry up quickly post-surgery and prescribed medications or suitable eye drops must be used at all times. 

While many people are against the use of laser surgery to correct eye disorders, mainly because of the myths involved around it, UK’s famous eye specialist, Prof. Dan Reinstein denounces all misconceptions and in fact, strongly recommends laser surgery as a corrective measure for all age groups. 

Listed below are some interesting surgical facts about laser eye surgery to help you get a feel of what the process is and the expectation levels.  

  • German ophthalmologist, Theo Seiler is considered the “Pioneer in Vision Surgery” because it was he who performed the first eye surgery using laser vision. 
  • It is one of the most common eye-correction processes, chosen by more than 30 million people around the world.
  • One of the biggest advantages of the surgery is that it is safe, effective, and technologically advanced without any major side effects or complications.  
  • In addition, another advantage of the procedure is that laser surgeries will save money over a long period of time when calculating the total amount spent on spectacles and contact lenses. 
  • However, the surgery also poses a few risks if treatment is not undertaken at a board-certified reputed clinic or if proper care is not taken. This includes permanent dryness of the eye or other problems such as double vision, glare, reduced vision, and in extreme cases loss of vision itself. 
  • There is no age limit as to those who can undergo the surgery. Anyone above 18 years of age can undergo laser eye surgery. 
  • The process, when compared to any other medically-related surgical process, is quite short. For instance, the procedure will not take more than 10 minutes for an eye. However, the overall laser correction takes place within 20 to 50 seconds at the most. 
  • The recovery time needed for laser eye surgery is also short and eyes begin to heal soon after the treatment ends. The improvement in vision can be experienced after 24 hours and it will take several days for the eyes to settle down and heal completely after the procedure. 

Lasik or a laser eye surgery is definitely worth both your time and your money. After all, you cannot have hazy eyesight to see the wonderful things around you.